Once upon a time, you kissed dating goodbye.


But then you realized: Hey, I really want to be in a relationship!
I want to get married someday!

So you experimented.

You checked out the guys at church… joined singles groups… peeked in at the bars.

You explored the dating apps… then quit the dating apps…
then found new dating apps to try.

You went on blind dates with your mom’s best friend’s sister’s son.

You even thought about applying to be on the next season of the Bachelor!

You’ve been praying. You’ve been waiting. And you’re still waiting,
because that’s what true love does, right? It waits.

But you’re getting juuuuuust a tad impatient. Did God forget to start writing your love story?! Did your future husband misplace his match.com password?

How can you move this process along FASTER, thankyouverymuch?!


It turns out dating is a skill. And it’s one you can LEARN.


If you grew up in the church like I did, chances are you didn’t get a ton of helpful guidance about dating.

Sure, you got a list of what not to do.

(Okay, a loooooong list of what not to do….)

But no one ever told you what to look for in a dating profile. Or how to make meaningful conversation on a first (or second, or third) date. Or why the myth of “the spark” is sabotaging some otherwise-promising relationships.

What if you could get really good at dating? And what if you could walk alongside a community of other single women as you figure it all out?

What if the rest of your Single Season was brimming with joy and companionship – instead of despair and loneliness?

It’s time for the Dating Accelerator!



Dating is hard.

You don't have to do it alone.


Dating is hard. You don't have to do it alone. 〰️