Once upon a time…

I kissed dating goodbye, too. I wore my purity ring with pride and carried my proverbial V-card like a badge of honor.

True love waits, I’d been told. And wait I did. Because this bride wanted to wear white! Sound familiar?

But the year I turned 25, I had a bit of a quarter-life crisis. 

I had never been on a date. Ever.

I knew everything I *shouldn’t* do.

And I had no idea what the heck I *should* do!

Just like you, I wanted to get married and have babies. But before the wedding, there’s an engagement. And before the engagement there’s dating. And before dating, there’s… meeting a man!

How the heck was I supposed to start?

Dating may not be a fairy tale,
but it can be magical!

My dating experience looked nothing like my friends’. They seemed to have it so easy! But I was committed to finding life-long commitment… and I was willing to put in the work.

I started with 1 dating profile and a goal of 1 date per month.

Pretty soon I was on 9 apps and I *literally* needed a spreadsheet to keep all the men straight!

Dating became my part-time job. And I took it seriously – while doing my best to enjoy the ride!

For 7 years, I dated intentionally.

I met alllllllll kinds of men. I made alllllllll kinds of mistakes. I felt alllllllll the feels and tested alllllllll the boundaries. And when I allowed myself to let go of the anxiety, I started to enjoy the journey.

It turns out that dating isn’t just about finding “the one.” And in fact, zooming out of that narrow focus allows you to authentically connect – with the men you date, the girlfriends you confide in, and the daughter of God you’re growing into.

You don’t have to make the mistakes
to learn the lessons.

I’m here to make your dating journey as life-giving as possible. I’m turning my hard-won wisdom into personalized, empowering coaching so YOU can develop the skill of dating. I’m your sounding board, a guide, and a cheerleader for your success!

Regardless of the outcome of any date (or 7 years of dating…) there’s so much joy available when we put ourselves out there and have FUN! And I cannot wait to help you discover it.